QITA C cup 170cm female real sex doll sports Anna

Qita Doll

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Anna is a sports girl, she is wearing a red sweater, her whole body is highlighted with bright colors. Let her stand out in the crowd, you can be attracted by such a stunner at the first sight in the crowd, and bring you a new feeling. Her body ratio is excellent. In addition, her skin is elastic, just like a real woman, you can get any feeling you want on her. Are you still hesitating? Enjoy a wonderful night with your sex doll!

Brand Qita Doll
Material TPE with a metal skeleton
Height 170 cm (5'7")
Weight 42 kg (93 lbs)
Bust/Band/Waist 80 cm / 59 cm / 68 cm (31.5" / 23.2" / 26.8")
Hips 90 cm (35.4")
Shoulder Width 36 cm (14.2")
Arm Size 22 cm (8.7")
Arm Length 50 cm (19.7")
Hand Length 15 cm (5.9")
Leg Length 80 cm (31.5")
Thigh Circumference 52 cm (20.5")
Calf Circumference 33 cm (13")
Vaginal/Anal Depth 14 cm / 10 cm (5.5" / 3.9")
Foot Length 21 cm (8.3")
Neck Circumference 28 cm (11")

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