ElsaBabe 165cm fan sex doll Yao Syannrin

ElsaBabe doll

tpesexdoll guaranteed


Syannrin is holding a classic fan. This is very classical. Can you imagine other uses for these props? All this power is in your hands, and she will cooperate with you to satisfy all your sexual fantasies. and is the same as a real woman. She will bring you absolute loyalty, no matter what you do to her. Come and enjoy this loyal and cute doll!

Measurement data:

  • Height: 165cm
  • Weight: 35kg
  • Bust:
  • 90cm (big breasted version)
  • 84cm (middle breast version)
  • 79cm (small chest version)
  • Hips: 86cm
  • Waist: 55cm
  • Body: the golden ratio of female characters in Japanese and Korean games
  • Vagina depth: 15. 5cm
  • Material: Platinum silicone

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